Bonsai Genie - Software for Bonsai Enthusiasts
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Chapter 3

Essentials Section: Chapter 1  - Chapter 2  -  Chapter 3  -  Chapter 4  -  Chapter 5
Advanced Section : Session 1  -  Session 2

Setting up your files
This lesson explains how to use the programs under the Files Menu to configure the system to your precise requirements.
These file definitions are used when you get down to the nitty gritty of planning your tasks and recording events in the Action Programs in the system

Care/Event classifications
Configure your system to define the care related Tasks you do, and what to call the Event when that task is completed.


Care  Definition

Event Definition

Trigger Pot History




Remove Wire

Wire Removed












As you see, the event is simply the past tense of the Care (Task) definition.
Later, when you use Bonsai Genie to add an event in the life of your specimen the Trigger Pot History setting has special significance, When you choose to do a re-potting event, with Trigger Pot History set to Yes,  the program reveals additional options which allow you to select a Pot for your plant.
  1. Under My Bonsai Files on the program selection screen, start the program Care/Event Codes GA011
  2. In the initial screen GA011S01
    Review the list of Care/Event classifications which come as standard with the system
  3. To edit an existing Care/Event classification, double click on one of the lines in the list
  4. Screen GA011S02 appears
    There are two fields and one check box
    Enter the Care and Event definitions in the appropriate fields
    The check box has the caption Trigger Pot History
    Check it for one classification only (the Repot classification)
    In all other classifications, leave it unchecked
  5. Remember to click the Change button to save your changes
  6. The initial screen GA011S01 re-appears
  7. Continue to Add or edit until the list contains the records you require.

Style classifications
Configure your system to define the Bonsai styles in your collection.




Root over rock

Group planting

Formal upright


These definitions will be used when you add your specimens to the database.
You will be able to pick the style of your Bonsai specimen from a popup
  1. Under My Bonsai Files on the program selection screen, start the program Styles GA044
  2. Double click to edit any of the styles supplied with the system
  3. Add any new styles required
  4. Delete unwanted style definitions


Pot materials
This file stores data used to fill a pop-up which you will use when you add pots to you database.

Pot Material

Ceramic - Glazed

Ceramic - Un-glazed




  • Under My Bonsai Files on the program selection screen, start the program Pot Materials GA045
  • Double click to edit any of the Materials supplied with the system
  • Add any new Materials required
  • Delete unwanted Material definitions


Pot Origins
This file stores data used to fill another pop-up which you will use when you add pots to you database.

Pot Origin






  • Under My Bonsai Files on the program selection screen, start the program Pot Origins GA046
  • Double click to edit any of the Origins supplied with the system
  • Add any new Origins required
  • Delete unwanted Pot Origin definitions


This file stores data on your Pot collection. When you proceed to recording the repotting events for your specimens, you can select the Pots used from a pop-up, filled with the data you add to this file.

  • Under My Bonsai Files on the program selection screen, start the program Pots GA028
  • In the initial screen GA028S01, click the Add a new pot button
    Screen GA028S02 appears
  • Enter Pot description, Buy Date, Total cost, Quantity and Colour in the appropriate fields.
  • There are three checkboxes, for Frostproof. Check Yes, No or Dont know as appropriate
  • Source is a little different. You have to create a record for the supplier
    Click the Get button. Screen GA028S03 appears
  • In screen GA028S03
    The list of suppliers will be empty to begin with. You need to add
    Click on the Add a Supplier button. Screen GA100S11 appears
  • In screen GA100S11, enter the details of the supplier
    Then click the Add button. Screen GA028S03 re-appears.
    The new supplier is now listed
    Click on the line to select the Supplier in the list, then click the Select button. .
    Screen GA028S02 re-appears and the Supplier name is entered for you in the Source field
  • Now use the Origin pop-up to make your selection (data from the step described above)
  • Use the Material pop-up to make your selection (again data from the step described above)
  • There are two data blob fields, one for entering information about the Pot Size, another for Notes.
    Enter information as required, then click the Add button
    The initial screen (GA028S01) appears and your pot is displayed n the list
  • If you have a photo of your pot:
    Click once (to select) on the Pot in the list.
    Click on the Find a Photo button
  • A standard windows dialog box appears.
    Use this to select an image of your pot.
  • The image appears in the initial screen GA028S01
    If OK, click the Save button
  • Repeat the process for all the pots in your collection

Features in the screens of the Pots program

  • Arrow right (next) and arrow left (previous) buttons to navigate through the list of pots
    This feature is useful for displaying the Pot history and the images of the Pots
  • Click on the photo of the pot.
    The photo is displayed full screen (dont use low resolution images)
  • A Pot History data field is displayed at the top right of the screen
    This shows what specimen (if any) is presently in the pot.
    The From and To date historic usage of the pot is also displayed.
    This historic information will build up as you use the system
  • Click the Edit button
    Screen GA028S02 appears (the Add/edit screen)
    In edit mode, you can click a Print button (hidden in Add mode)
    You can print off a record of your Pot, with photo, and all the information you entered about the pot.
    Good for insurance purposes.
  • In Screen GA028S02
    Additional information about the Pot appears in the same screen in edit mode
    Currently in use (Yes/No)
    Number of events recorded for this pot
    This information is invaluable if you are deleting a pot record.
    Avoids deleting an active pot, and losing event records.
  • In Screen GA028S02
    Click the Show button
    Screen GA100S43 appears with a detailed list of the Pot History (from and to dates and specimens)

Essentials Section: Chapter 1  - Chapter 2  -  Chapter 3  -  Chapter 4  -  Chapter 5
Advanced Section : Session 1  -  Session 2

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