The Ideas Genie-Software for Plant Lovers
booth. Feb 2003 Northwest Flower & Garden Show, Seattle, WA, USA.
It happened! Its some time now since I found Peter Bricel’s “Garden of Dreams” on the internet. If you havent found his site already then you MUST pay a visit! Click HERE. I have exchanged emails with Peter since then. Since he was from the Pacific Northwest I told him about the booth, and we met up on
day 1 (Wed) of the the show. I readily accepted the invitation and spent a few treasured hours in “dreamland” on the Friday. Being mid winter, bloom was not in season
but I now have a vivid picture of the location of the Moon gate, Amadeus and David in the garden for visualising the vast range of photos in his library. We found we had quite a few
things in common extending to the love of classical music. (As I write, I’m listening to my gift, Sibelius and Liszt on the Garfield Symphony Orchestra recording entitled “A
night on Bald Mountain”, featuring their son on trumpet!) Peter and Carol celebrated their 50th Golden Wedding anniversary last year and marked the occasion with a special
limited edition book on the beloved Garden of Dreams. I shall treasure my copy! A very special couple and a very enjoyable meeting. Left to right: Carol, George and Peter