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User Gardens - Page 1
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I love this job, especially when Ideas Genie users send me photos of their gardens!

This page will serve as an index to photos sent to me by Ideas Genie users from various parts of the world.

I hope you enjoy them as much as I have!



Start off with one of my first customers
Brian Denison, Leeds, England
Ive been permitted to publish the announcement as follows



As a direct result of pictures displayed on our Ideas for Gardens web site, one of our Ideas Genie users was fortunate to interest Anglia TV in filming his garden for a new series of Britains Best Back Gardens. He says he couldn't believe his luck and was sure it would fall through. It was however a unique, interesting and inspiring day when they filmed and told him he was to be on the programme. It also gave him a strong feeling of accomplishment and the motivation to plan further improvements.
The original quest:
'Stephen Anderton and Janey Auchincloss begin a new search for Britain's Best Back Garden 2005. From a short-list of 60, they must select one winner whose back garden has scored the most points in three categories: use and sense of space, planting design, and value for money'.

The finals began transmission on Anglia TV in July 2005.

The TV program was transmitted in October 2005 on ITV with National coverage.
We have a DVD for those who missed it! Enquire by email.

There were two back to back programs.
13:10  ITV  Britain's Best Back Gardens
The east regional final from the Cambridge University Botanic Gardens. Columnist Stephen Anderton and garden designer Janey Auchincloss judge horticultural havens in Cambridge, Ipswich, Peterborough and Norwich, with the help of Matthew Wilson, the curator of the RHS Gardens at Harlow Carr   
Then (fanfare) the program that featured our very own Brian Denison’s garden, in Leeds, England  

13:40 ITV  Britain's Best Back Gardens
In the second of today's programmes, Stephen Anderton and Janey Auchincloss are in Leeds, where Harlow Carr curator Matthew Wilson helps them judge three contrasting gardens competing for a place in the regional final 

Now, to whet your appetite, go and have a look at the photos of Brian Denisons garden. Please excuse the quality. Ive more recent ones to add soon.



Remember, the original purpose of Ideas Genie is to document your garden plants, garden areas and your photos

Private gardens of all sizes and syles, and public gardens.

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