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Col Smith - Western Australia



A great application for Ideas Genie here

Colin is originally from England, but loves the lifestyle in Australia. They cleared enough of their 5 acre block to build a house, the remander was very deliberately retained as natural bush.

He has identified 105 species of native plants including many native Orchids on his block and has  taken a few hundred photos. He has now set about planting many more, with the intention of documenting the native plants of Western Australia.

He is also undertaking a study for (CALM)  Conservation  & Land Management because he has a rare species on his block & they want him to do a study of it for them, eg flowering time, type of pollination  etc.
From his emails and the photos he has sent me, I can see he is very passionate about these projects.

The finished article will make a fantastic database, which when put on a SWAP CD can be shared,or marketed commercially.
He also finds time to do Landscaping work for a living!

The fantastic photo below is Caladenia falcata, or Spider Orchid (Caladenia is Col’s favourite genera), a tuberous perennial herb .3 to .4 m tall.
Flowers, green & red in Sept and October (spring in Australia)
Growing on yellow or grey sand, clay/loam or granite outcrops.
Distribution: Most of South, Western Australia

Click for More Photos from Col in Australia





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Ideas Genie - Software for Plant Lovers .
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